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Comparing MultiTrans Prism Freelance and GeoWorkZ - Translation Workspace

Which software is better? Here is a rundown of features and reviews to help you make your decision.

Name MultiTrans Prism Freelance GeoWorkZ - Translation Workspace
Review breakdown
(3 reviews)
(9 reviews)
Most helpful review
Would recommend it
I worked on a contract of 9 months for Toys"R"Us Canada and, in the Translation department, we were using it and I learned really fast to use it. You can work directly on Ms Word and other files so it's really helpful. You can align bilingual texts for TM also. I did not experienced any crash too. Only thing, I think it's the most expensive on the market.
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This product stinks and it's a scam
This product stinks and is just Lionbridge's old "Logoport" system that they are relaunching under the name "Translation Manager" through a bogus company called "Geoworkz", which is just a front for Lionbridge. The subscription plans are ridiculous. The basic plan starts with $15.00 per month for a maximum of 5000 words. A translator can burn through that in a single day. After that it gets ridiculously expensive. They should really switch to a true-pay-as you go plan. I rarely use it, except for Lionbridge projects, who require it. The idea that you have to pay Lionbridge to work with them is insulting to say the least. Every time I launch it, it inevitably ends up downloading a zillion updates that usually fail. They never seem to notify you of the updates, so that you can download them on your own schedule, not when you are panicking to complete a file. Adding/creating a memory has to be done through a completely separate web interface at geoworkz.com - which only further complicates things. The interface of the program itself is terrible. You cannot switch display formats from horizontal fields to a side-by-side format (like MemoQ). I also find the tags the three panes on the screen overly busy and very difficult to adjust (hover your mouse over an invisible frame to adjust it). Browsing to various files is also hopelessly clunky and complicated. You always seem to start browsing files from the root directory, and scrolling and scrolling down. Speaking of browsers, it always seems to tell me that I have an invalid browser, even when I am on IE 10. I have never been able to successfully preview the translation in a web browser. The terminology feature is equally miserable. You cannot add to termbases that are provided by the client, let alone download them. The interface is terrible since single terms with multiple translations appear individually and there is no shortcut for inserting the terms into the text. I could go on...support is also an issue. Since it's usually in India. And with all things Lionbridge, the right foot never knows what the left foot is doing. It's as if they have buried themselves in so much technology that they never know how to get anything solved. My two cents.
47 out of 47 found this review helpful.

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Product description MultiTrans Prism Freelance provides access to the essential functionalities for a freelance translator to work locally (not connected to a corporate network domain). This stand-alone edition of MultiTrans Prism includes the ability to build and import TextBase Translation Memories and TermBases of limited sizes. It also gives you the ability to use the fully interactive Translation Agent within Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, and WordPerfect. The Translation Agent enables users to interactively or automatically replace paragraphs, segments (exact & fuzzy matches), sub-segments and terms while they work with their preferred editor. Further Advanced Leveraging TM (ALTM) technology provides sub segment matching, auto-alignment, and the context for all matches found. It also comes with our XLIFF Editor, which does everything the Translation Agent does but extends your ability to work on tagged format files such as XML, HTML, MSOffice 2007 and 2010, FrameMaker and InDesign. The XLIFF Editor also has integrated QA tools to check for translation completeness and terminology consistency.

The Freelance license includes a training session on the Web and a reduced price for ongoing support.
Translation Workspace is the industry’s first on-demand, subscription-based, translation technology solution. Powered by Lionbridge’s proven and acclaimed technology, Translation Workspace lets you drive your business with usage-based subscription models, based on a proven, high-performance, secure, Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) infrastructure
Price Starting at $799.00 Full-featured subscriptions start at EUR 10/USD 14 per month.
File formats
No data
Architected to support XLIFF and TMX. MS Office, InDesign (idml, inx), FrameMaker (MIF), Java, HTML, XML,SGML, Idiom, SDL Trados
License type Perpetual Software as a service (subscription)
Operating system
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Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows XP, Windows Vista
System requirements
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Any machine with Microsoft Windows: XP / Vista (32 and 64 bits) / Windows 7 (32 and 64 bits). Internet Explorer versions 7, 8 and 9, Firefox versions 3 and 3.5 and broadband connection.
Compatibility Support for multilanguage translation memories (TMX format) Supports open standard file formats XLIFF and TMX.
Support and upgrades offered/included Check with manufacturer Basic Support is offered as part of your Translation Workspace Subscription, Free upgrades for duration of license/Subscription
Support and tutorial links
No data
No data
Free trial
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No data
Languages supported
No data
Translation Workspace supports hundreds of world languages and scripts. Visit: https://geoworkz.com/Products/FeaturesAndFunctionality.aspx

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